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Workshop on Soft Skills and Personality Development

Workshop on Soft Skills and Personality Development

Department of Commerce (Honors), Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya, organized a 5-day (20th to 24th Dec 2022) workshop on soft skills & personality development. The guest and the trainer for the programme was Mr Anoop Keswani (Marketing Consultant & Soft Skill Trainer). Here is the outline of the workshop;
Day 1- The session started with a few important aspects of communication such as appearance, behaviour, communication and discipline. He also explained the importance of good habits and a lifestyle for an individual’s overall growth.
Day 2- On the second day, the discussion was about soft skills and their importance and how it plays a vital role in one’s personal and professional growth. Soft skills are a cluster of skills that influence how we interact with one another ability to relate and connect with people.
Day 3- The point of discussion for day 3 was about effective listening where the guest explained the role of listening in effective communication and how it impacts the personality of an individual.
Day 4- On the 4th day, the discussion was about email etiquette where he explained to the students that how a well-crafted email can make the difference between successful working relationships.
Day 5- On the last day of the session was concluded by explaining to the students about personal grooming in detail where all the minute details of grooming were mentioned to them so that they can understand the importance of it and look presentable.

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