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Summary of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Committee


IQAC: An Introduction

The University Grants Commission (UGC), India has (in the XI Plan) made a policy decision to direct all Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to establish Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and to provide seed financial assistance for the same. It has also issued Guidelines for the establishment and monitoring of IQACs

Maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness is crucial in HEIs. Internal Quality Assurance Cell, an internal quality assurance mechanism of the institution, is conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level. Every HEI should have an internal quality assurance system, with appropriate structure and processes, and with enough flexibility to meet the diverse needs of the stakeholders. The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the HEIs. The IQAC may channelize and systematize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence. It should not be yet another hierarchical structure or record-keeping exercise in the institution; it would be a facilitative and participative organ of the institution. The IQAC should become a driving force for ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.


In order to articulate the goals and ambitions of IQAC and to have road map for IQAC it was decided to have a vision and mission statement for IQAC. The vision and mission statement coined for IQAC, tries to define and drive quality in Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.


To develop systematic quality processes in the Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM) for evolving, enhancing and sustaining excellence in its academic and administrative practices and to set benchmarks for their periodic evaluation


• To develop a conscious, consistent and catalytic quality improvement system that encourages the pursuits of the staff and students of
the college.
• To promote innovative practices to continually improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning experiences of the staff and
• To strive to realize the mottoes of the college through the best possible implementation of the plans and policies of the Management,
University and the Government, pertaining to knowledge production and dissemination.
• To ensure a learner-centric environment equipped with the latest techniques and technologies of teaching, research and sharing


1. The Primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the College.
2. The IQAC will provide greater clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture
3. The IQAC will contribute towards enhancement and integration among the activities of the College and institutionalize many good practices.


Some of the functions of the IQAC are:

1. Development and application of quality benchmarks / parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow.
2. Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education
3. Acting as a nodal agency of the College for quality-related activities
4. Ensure internalization of the quality culture at Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow.
5. Ensure enhancement and integration among the various activ ities of the College and institutionalize good practices
6. Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles
7. Development and maintenance of Institutional database through MIS
8. Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication
9. Documentation of the various programmes / activities at Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow leading to quality improvement
10. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) Of Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow based on the quality parameters developed by NAAC and other assurance agencies
11. Collection and analysis of feedback responses from students, staff and other stakeholders on institutional processes o f Goel Institute of Higher Studies Mahavidyalaya (GIHSM), Lucknow
12. Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning

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